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  • Writer's pictureKailyn Robert

Blog #359: Don't Touch my Hair

Look, I shouldn't have to say this. Don't touch my hair.

If you think it looks great, just don't touch my hair.

If you think it looks bad, just don't touch my hair.

If you prefer long hair but actually think I totally rock the buzz, just don't touch my hair.

If you think most people can't pull it off but I actually can, just don't touch my hair.

If you love the way it feels, just don't touch my hair.

If you say creepy things to me while I'm just trying to do my job, seriously, don't touch my hair.

It's so frustrating being a server, because people feel entitled to treat me however and say whatever they want to me. It's a weird power dynamic in which they feel like they literally can say anything, insulting, creepy, or otherwise. Pair that with a look like a buzzed head, which also for some reason makes people feel entitled to commenting on my appearance, and it's a perfect recipe for some rough shifts in the food industry.

Again, people have always said weird things and treated me poorly as a server, but it's honestly incredible how much that shifted since cutting my hair. It's like every single man above the age of 35 feels the need to validate me in spite of my hair. If I had a dollar for every time one of these men said "Wow... you're really beautiful even with that haircut," I wouldn't have to go to work. It's a rude "compliment," and it's demeaning in and of itself. I don't need some gross men sitting in a bar to remind me that I'm beautiful so that I can have the self confidence to live another day.

Most of the time, I can brush the comments off. But man, when guys start pairing comments like that with grabbing, petting, or rubbing my head, I nearly lose it. Who, in any state of mind, thinks that's appropriate?

So, once again, in case you missed the message earlier, don't touch my hair. It's a simple rule, along with not being creepy. Feel free to pass it along to all of your friends.

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